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PUBG Mobile wallpapers - the best mobile and desktop backgrounds

If you want to show off your love for your favourite battle royale title, our list of the best PUBG Mobile wallpapers has you covered

If you’re a big fan of PUBG Mobile, you’re going to want to show your love for the title with an epic desktop or mobile wallpaper. There are hundreds of possible PUBG Mobile wallpapers for you to choose from, but it can be tough to find the best of the best. So that’s where we come in; we’ve compiled a list of some of the best PUBG Mobile wallpapers around so you don’t have to. Now you can spend more time playing PUBG Mobile, rather than trawling the internet for the perfect background.

This list will be updated frequently with PUBG Mobile wallpapers, so keep the page bookmarked for when you need a new background for your mobile or desktop. Make sure you also take a look at our PUBG Mobile UC guide for information on the in-game currency, and our PUBG Mobile redeem codes list if you want to know how to get some free stuff.

Without any further delay, let’s get into the wallpapers

The best PUBG Mobile wallpapers

The Frog Prince PUBG Mobile outfit

Frog Prince set

The Youth Enforcer PUBG Mobile outfit

Youth Enforcer set

The Budget Mecha PUBG Mobile outfit

Budget Mecha set

The Gold Warrior PUBG Mobile outfit

Gold Warrior set

A PUBG Mobile character standing on train tracks

Metro mobile wallpaper

A Halloween PUBG Mobile outfit

Halloween mobile wallpaper

Snow Sakura set

Season 19



Desktop PUBG Mobile wallpapers

The PUBG Mobile Miramar map


A PUBG Mobile landscape at dusk


A PUBG Mobile character brandishing a weapon

Season 15

A group of PUBG Mobile characters fighting off enemies

Metro desktop wallpaper

PUBG Mobile characters going Trick or Treating

Halloween desktop wallpaper

Vehicular combat

Shooting a bazooka

Gun selection

Relaxing in an armchair

For more content like this, make sure you check out our PUBG mobile update guide to stay in the know.