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What’s the Roblox age rating and is it safe for kids?

Our Roblox age rating guide is here to tell you everything parents need to know about Roblox, including how to set up parental controls.

Roblox age rating - two Roblox characters standing on a floating platform

With so many user generated experiences and so much player freedom, it’s important to know the Roblox age rating. So, whether you’re a player or a parent, we’re here to give you some advice on how to stay safe and keep enjoying that blocky fun.

If you’re ready to explore the platform, take a look at our list of the best Roblox games. Or, if you think it’s time to take a break, head over to our guide on how to delete Roblox accounts and how to cancel Roblox premium.

Here’s everything you need to know about the Roblox age rating.

What is the Roblox age rating?

There’s no official age rating for the overall Roblox platform, though Common Sense Media sets it at 13+ in its Parents’ Ultimate Guide to Roblox, due to the fact that ‘users of any age can create and join groups, chat, and interact with others’ and ‘such an open approach can pose some risks to kids, especially younger ones’, though it may be suitable for younger children if parents turn the account restrictions on and pay close attention to their child’s activities.

However, Roblox also has its own, in-game age recommendation settings for individual experiences, which Roblox claims it decided by ‘examining global industry standards and consulting child development experts’, so ‘all users can make informed decisions about the content they interact with’.

As such, each Roblox game has one of the following age ratings attached to it:

  • All ages – content is generally suitable for all ages. May contain infrequent mild violence and/or light unrealistic blood
  • 9+ – content is generally suitable for ages nine and up. May contain frequent mild violence and/or heavy unrealistic blood
  • 13+ – content is generally suited for ages 13 and up. May contain frequent moderate violence and/or light realistic blood

However, you should keep in mind that, due to the nature of the Roblox platform being so open to both creators and players, many user-made experiences pop up every day and get frequent content updates, so they may not always align perfectly with the age rating they initially acquire.

Additionally, Roblox is still predominantly online, meaning that other players of all ages have access to a plethora of experiences, chat boxes, profiles, groups, and more. This means that there’s always a chance of those with bad intentions targeting Roblox due to its highly kid-focused audience, either through chat or in-game actions. As such, we always advise that parents are mindful of what they allow their children to play and consume on the internet.

If you’re a young player, we also recommend that you remain cautious of who you talk to in Roblox, never share any personal information, and report anything that doesn’t feel right to an adult or guardian.

Roblox age rating - a father and son looking at a laptop together

How can I set up Roblox parental controls?

From the offset, Roblox takes the date of birth you put in when creating your account to determine what filters it sets on chat. At default, Roblox chat filters out any identifiable information or inappropriate content, but there are special restrictions in place depending on your age.

For players under 12, Roblox filters out any inappropriate content and behavior, personal information, and certain words or phrases.

Players 13 years and up have a bit more freedom with words and phrases, but Roblox still restricts personal information and inappropriate content regardless of age. These restrictions apply to most areas of Roblox.

However, of course, children can lie about their age when creating an account, or find ways to bypass the restrictions. As such, you can set up parental on any Roblox account, allowing you to limit or disable a variety of chat features, including who the player can chat with both in-game and on the site, who can send messages, who can follow them into games, and who can invite them to VIP/private servers.

Here’s how to set up parental controls on Roblox:

  • Log into the Roblox account
  • Click the gear icon, then head to settings
  • On the right-hand side of the screen, click on ‘privacy’
  • Take a browse through the different options in both ‘contact settings’ and other settings’
  • If your child is 12 or younger, you can choose visibility to ‘friends’ or ‘no one’. If your child is 13 or older, there are more options for interaction with other players

You can also go to the security section of the account settings page to set up an account PIN to prevent your child from changing the settings without your permission, along with other settings such as disabling chat altogether.

That’s all we’ve got on the Roblox age rating. If you’re ready to continue your experience exploring adventure with safety in mind, be sure to grab some goodies from our Roblox promo codes, Roblox free items, or Roblox game codes lists, including in-game rewards for big titles like Fruit Warriors codes, Legend of Heroes Simulator codes, and Anime Fruit Simulator codes.